Wednesday, 27 July 2011


I am so bored sitting at my parents cafe. I am watching the food channel im watching this like program called chocywokydoda every thing thay make is made out of chocolate it is so cool. By the way I am writting this on a ipad that my dad got a few days ago. I wish I could go out side and play but it is too cold and I have no one to play with. But later we are going to opal hotsprings it is going to be very cool. I love the hot pools. So thats how bored I am. THANKS FOR READING

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Going to CH CH

Hi Sian here just came back from CH CH. I felt one shake it was 5.1 I was not that seared at first until i new what it was. My cousin (Danni) and I went to the shopping mall it was fun we brought heaps of stuff I had $70 and she had $50.My aunty, aunty's friend and I went to the pair with my aunty's friends dog its a pitball and she has a rainbow loraket and it can talk it is so pretty. I had a grate time at CH CH I wish i could go their again. THANKS FOR READING.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Lonita and Nicole's first post about Gallagher

On our very first day at  Gallagher Pools the new students from Deanwell  had to get tested I was one of them I was delighted to show them how I swim I got put up one level.On the last day of Gallagher we had to practice saving our friends or strangers from the sea that was very shocking to act like you are drowning but thankfully to Hayley she saved our lives. My favorite activity was falling out the boat and practicing how to get up quick and jump back in the boat. I REALLY ENJOYED IT!!

C1s Asembly

In term 2 week 5 C1 was incharge of asembly on monday. Some of us was very nervous. We performed a wonderful Cookisland greeting song called Kia Orana. Ngara and Lonita were leading C1 how to dance to the song that we performed. C1 performed much better when no ones watching us and when we performed in front of Deanwell school we did'nt use much enthusiasum and we were'nt con fident enough!!! I think we could've danced better next time!!!

Lake Whakamaru Christian Camp

At the second day of camp C1 and C5 started the awesome activities. First Mrs Wind got us into our groups. After she got us into our groups she let us all go to our activities and we all ran as fast as we could so we can be the first to start our activities. After C1 and C5 finished all our activities we started to have a swim to cool off. First Mrs Wind asked C1 C5 if we wanted to go on the tarzan swing. After some of the kids went on the tarzan swing Mrs Tuisamoa jumped off and a big splash came BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!! At night we all went to sleep in our warm fuzzy sleeping bag.

Camp with c1 & c5

When we first arived at camp we had some lunch and then our instructor told us the rules and boundrys. Some of us thought " are you serios is that a rule!'' But we did have to follow the rules. After that we got all our bags and equitment and put them into our cabbins. After that we got put into our groups. We then went for our bush walk it was a bueatiful walk. :)

Last day at Gallagher Pools

The last day at Gallagher Pools was the best day of all. It was an exciting day because EVERYONE!! got to go in the deep pool. We put on life jackets and went to the end of the pool and JUMPED!! in. The last activity was riding in the boat and then Falling off the and then finally climbing back up.